Saturday, October 16, 2010

Walsh's Pyramid Walk

Today I went for another bush walk with Julian. This time we went up to the top Walsh's Pyramid. You may have seen it in another photo album from awhile ago. It's a mountain in the area that looks incredibly like a man made pyramid. It was a shorter walk than the Lamb's Head walk, but way more difficult. The rise is about 930m, and the distance you walk is 3300m. That's pretty steep if you are wondering what I'm getting at. The walk up was exhausting and the walk down was painful in the knees. It was another beautiful view again.

That's me at the top. You might think that these mountains aren't that high from the pictures. This one was about 930m, the Lamb's Head was about 1250m and there is another one behind me in this picture and off to the right that is around 1500m. That's the highest mountain in Queensland. I will be climbing that one soon. For reference, Mt. Everest is just under 9000m. So these are high enough to feel pretty good when you reach the top.

If anybody wants to give them a go I will take you when you come visit. :D


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