Saturday, November 6, 2010

And the winner is...

This weekend we had our first visitor. Not many people knew that somebody was going to come visit. The winner in Riley! Yup, Riley works in Australia a fair bit apparently and he had the weekend off. So a little flight up to Cairns and we got to have a nice weekend hanging out. Saturday we went out for a real nice dinner on the harbor. It was so tasty. They gave us a complimentary appetizer to try. It was raw salmon with some random other things on it. It was the best tasting fish thing I've ever eaten.

Saturday morning I had to take the Jeep to the shop while Tara and Riley got burnt by the pool. Then when I got back we picked up some pizza and beer and hung out on the beach. As far as I know there isn't a law that says no drinking at the beach. While walking around the beach we found a decent sized dead body washed up on the shore. After close examination we concluded it was a dolphin and it was clearly ravaged by a shark, likely a tiger shark from the size of bite. But we're not experts.

After the beach we went back into town for an ice cream and a shower. Then we went out for another tasty supper along the Esplanade at a thai place. A nice brekkie this morning on the patio and we dropped Riley off at the airport. A couple more days of work before he heads back to the mother land. Here's proof that he was actually here.

Good times.


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