Friday, January 14, 2011

Back at home with company

Well after that last blog my fingers were tired. That's why it took so long for me to do this post. After we arrived back in Cairns with Don more adventures began. First off Tara had to go back to work. But before she did we all hung out for the weekend. I wish I could remember if we did anything special but I can't, too long ago. I think we mostly relaxed. Then Tara went to work.

Me and Don got up to a couple of things. Early in the week we went for a couple of fun walks. We walked the Mangrove Boardwalk because it's beautiful, even though the mozzies are ridiculous. The next day we did another walk that we shouldn't have. We wanted to go up the Pyramid but we slept in a bit. They say not to try to walk the Pyramid if you start after 9. We're dumb. We started at 10:20 and didn't bring even close to enough water. Nearly passed out. But we made it pretty much to the top and back down again. Along the way we crossed a beautiful monitor. It was probably about 4 feet long and fast. Very impressive.

The next day we did a bunch of little stuff around town and then went for a walk through Centenary Lakes. It's just a simple chill out walk. The the good stuff started. We went reef fishing. It was expensive but a blast. We took a big boat ride out of Port Douglas to the reef and threw in the lines. We both caught a couple of fish and each got to take one home to eat. The ones we took home were tasty. Mine was smaller but tasted amazing, Don's was bigger and pretty good. This guy in the picture is the little stripey that I caught and ate. Small but tasty.

Then we chilled out for another day and did some planning for Don's trip out of town. It was tough to decide if he was going to drive down the coast or fly over it because of flood, in the end the flood won. After that we went for a snorkeling trip to the reef. Amazingly this was the very first time I've been swimming on the reef. It was great, although I would have preferred diving. Next time. Then on Sunday we met up with Shannon Enns who was also in town. Turns out he was living in the same building with some friends. Small world. I had to go back to work Monday morning, but Don stuck around for a couple more days. Then on Wednesday morning him and Shannon packed up and flew to Melbourne to do some road tripping. Back to normal life for Nick and Tara.


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