Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cairns tropical zoo

If you haven't been to the zoo of a city you haven't truly been there. That's what I say, I love the zoo. Yesterday Tara and I went to the Cairns Tropical Zoo to check out the fun Australian animals. We don't have a car yet so this meant that we had to take the bus. The bus system works pretty slick around here. There are zones that are mapped out. The city is a zone, the area just north of the city is a zone, and a whole bunch of other areas around. Then when you ride the bus you pay for how many zones you're going to be traveling through.

At first I though, that sucks because you don't have to pay more for going farther in Winnipeg. But the nice thing that makes it worth it is how far you can go. The zoo was a decent ways north of the city. It was definitely not in the city at all. So you can ride the bus from Cairns up through about 6 small villages north of the city. This is where the zoo is.

It's not the biggest zoo, and it cost a fair bit more than the Winnipeg zoo. But really, the Winnipeg zoo is almost free. We got to see a pretty cool variety of animals. Most notably kangaroos, koalas and crocodiles.

That's right. It's a kangaroo eating out of Tara's hand. I did it also. So cute. There was about a million of these little guys jumping around the kangaroo sections. Then there was the crocodiles. First we saw a couple little ones and thought they looked freaky. But we realized they were small after we saw this guy.

Sorry the pictures isn't that clear, but trust me, it was amazing. It's also impressive how the guys works the croc. He said that their brains are so small that everything they do is based on instinct. So when the croc is in the water he just slaps his stick on the water and the big buy lumbers over to where the splash is. They he holds the chicken over it's head and waits for the monster to open his mouth. He said it's extremely easy to not get killed by a croc. You just stand at least 5 meters away from the waters edge and he won't be able to reach you. They are not fast. Really cool, I recommend seeing these things up close.

I added a new link. It's the dive company that Tara is going to be doing her training with. If you want to dive and watch Tara at work, that's the company you should book with. Now it's Sunday evening and we spend a nice afternoon sitting at the lagoon getting some rays. Later.


1 comment:

  1. Ok. Two things I don't understand about this blog post.

    1. To get to know a city you need to ride a bus a great distance from that city? If so which direction from that city should you travel? Is it always north?

    2. "If you haven't been to the zoo of a city you haven't truly been there". You haven't truly been somewhere unless you have been there? Wow that is deep, I will have bumper stickers made.

    Sorry Nick, we had a slow day in the office and were starved for entertainment today. Hope all is well and I look forward to reading your next post.
