Saturday, September 11, 2010

Having a good time

Hello everyone. So our contact to back home has been limited as of late. We've been struggling with Telstra (equivalent to MTS). It was some weird glitch in their system that took several weeks to resolve where our phone number was still registered under somebody else. It took forever. Then, everything got sorted out and we got our phone and then several weeks later our internet. Two days into having internet, the modem craps out. So they're sending us a new modem, which takes another 3-5 business days. Yikes it been a headache. But there is still a week signal on our patio that we can grab some internet time with.

That being said, we do have a phone. If anybody ever feels the need to give us a call you can go right ahead. I'm not going to post the numbers up here because I don't know how public blogspot is and I don't really want to get any random phone calls. So if you want our phone numbers just fire me an email and I'll let you know.

Today we went for a drive up to Crystal Cascades to check it out. It's supposed to be a neat little stream flowing down the mountain in a bunch of little waterfalls and pools. It was nice. There was a bunch of people hanging out at one spot cliff jumping into the pools. It looked terrifying. Not for me. So we went to another little spot and relaxed beside the water. We didn't end up swimming because another tourist told us they saw snakes in the water. We didn't see any, but we didn't jump in the water either. Here's a pictures of Tara hanging out by the waters edge.

It was a pretty relaxing place to visit. But it's time to go inside and watch some rugby. For those of you who like sports, this is a good place to visit. Australians love their sport and they have some really great games. AFL is amazing, rugby is awesome, and surprising I even enjoy watching a little bit of cricket (but it's tons of fun to play, especially with a few beers). Later.


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